Elevate Resident Care: Top Supplies Long-Term Care Facilities Should Source Through a GPO

In the realm of long-term care, optimizing your supply chain is crucial for providing exceptional care while managing costs effectively. Group Purchasing Organizations (GPOs) offer a proven solution, leveraging collective buying power to secure significant savings and access a wider range of high-quality supplies. In this blog post, we'll explore the top supplies that every long-term care facility should consider sourcing through a GPO to enhance efficiency, reduce expenses, and ultimately elevate resident care to new heights.

  1. Medical Supplies:  The cornerstone of resident well-being is access to a comprehensive array of medical supplies. Bandages, disposable gloves, syringes, and diagnostic tools are just a few examples of the essentials that your facility requires on a daily basis. By partnering with a GPO, you not only gain access to a broad selection of high-quality medical supplies from trusted manufacturers, but you also unlock cost savings that can be reinvested in other areas of your facility.
  2. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE):  Safeguarding your residents and staff is paramount. A reliable supply of masks, gowns, face shields, and other PPE is non-negotiable. GPOs can be your strategic partner in securing competitive pricing on these vital items, ensuring your facility remains well-equipped to uphold the highest safety standards.
  3. Cleaning and Sanitization Products:  A pristine environment is the foundation of infection prevention and overall well-being.  GPOs simplify the procurement process for disinfectants, sanitizers, and janitorial equipment, offering bulk discounts and centralized purchasing that streamlines inventory management and keeps your facility sparkling clean.
  4. Dietary Supplements:  Nutrition is the fuel for your residents' health. Dietary supplements like vitamins, protein shakes, and meal replacements can address specific needs and deficiencies, contributing to optimal health outcomes.  GPOs offer a curated selection of dietary supplements from reputable brands, ensuring your residents receive the nutritional support they require at a cost-effective price.
  5. Furniture and Equipment:  From comfortable beds and mobility aids to specialized therapy equipment, the right furniture and devices are instrumental in enhancing resident comfort and promoting rehabilitation. GPOs not only secure competitive pricing on these items but also offer valuable services like warranties, installation support, and product training, ensuring a seamless integration into your facility's operations.


By partnering with GPO like MedTrust, your long-term care facility can unlock a multitude of benefits that directly translate to improved resident care. Cost savings, access to a wider range of high-quality supplies, and streamlined procurement processes are just the beginning. Let us empower you to focus on what matters most – providing compassionate and comprehensive care to your residents, all while optimizing your facility's financial health.